
A serious contender for why clutter and disorganization occur is an inability to easily make decisions about where to put things and what things to keep.

  • How do you decide where to put your stuff?
  • What stuff do you not know where to put it away?

If this is a challenge for you, try the D.E.C.I.D.E. model to determine what to do with items that are cluttering your environment:
D define when and where you use the item.
E = establish the criteria for whether or not to keep the item (i.e. do you use it, do you love it, is it beautiful. etc.).
C = consider all the alternatives of not keeping the item (i.e. can you borrow it or easily replace it later if you do need it).
I = identify the best placement for where to keep the item based on use.
D = develop and implement a plan of action for clearing the clutter.
E = evaluate and monitor the placement of your things and adjust/relocate when necessary.
The more often you practice and exercise the decision making part of your brain, the easier it will become to make decisions about your stuff.

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